UK Immigration Blog

UK Spouse Visa Processing Time 2023

UK Spouse Visa Processing Time 2023

UK Spouse Visa Processing Time 2023: What You Need to Know

If you’re planning to apply for a UK Spouse Visa in 2023, it’s important to have a clear understanding of the processing time. The UK visa application process can be complex and time-consuming, and knowing the approximate timeline can help you plan your move and make necessary arrangements. In this blog post, we will explore the UK spouse visa processing time in 2023 and provide you with essential information to streamline your application.

Understanding the UK Spouse Visa Processing Time in 2023:

The processing time for a UK Spouse Visa can vary depending on various factors, including the volume of applications, the complexity of your case, and the efficiency of the visa processing center. Typically, the UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) aims to process most spouse visa applications within 12 weeks.

However, it’s important to note that this is only an average processing time and can be subject to change. Some applications may be processed faster, while others may take longer due to additional document verification or a higher demand for visa applications during certain periods.

Factors Influencing the Processing Time:

Several factors can affect the processing time of a UK Spouse Visa application:

  1. Completeness of Application: Ensure that all the required documents and information are submitted accurately and in the prescribed format. Any missing or incomplete documents can result in delays or even rejection of your application.
  2. Type of Application: If your spouse visa application falls under the priority or premium service category, it may be processed faster for an additional fee. However, availability of these services may vary depending on the country you are applying from.
  3. Immigration Changes: Any changes in immigration policies, rules, or regulations can impact visa processing times. Stay updated with the latest news and updates from the UKVI to prevent any surprises.

Tips to Minimize Processing Time:

While the processing time is ultimately determined by the UKVI, there are a few steps you can take to minimize delays:

  1. Thoroughly Prepare Your Application: Ensure that you gather all the required documentation well in advance and submit a comprehensive application. This will reduce the chances of receiving requests for additional documents or information.
  2. Seek Professional Advice: Consider consulting an immigration lawyer or expert who specializes in UK Spouse Visa applications. They can guide you through the application process, help you gather the necessary documents, and ensure your application meets all the requirements.
  3. Track Your Application: Utilize the online tracking system provided by the UKVI to stay updated on the progress of your visa application. This will give you a better idea of the expected processing time and help you plan accordingly.


Applying for a UK Spouse Visa can be a significant step in your journey to reunite with your loved ones in the United Kingdom. Understanding the processing time and taking necessary steps can help minimize delays and ensure a smooth application process. Remember to stay organized, double-check your application, and seek professional guidance when needed. By doing so, you can increase your chances of receiving your visa within a reasonable timeframe and begin building a new life with your spouse in the UK.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog post is based on the general processing time trends observed for UK Spouse Visa applications. Processing times may vary depending on individual circumstances and changes in immigration policies. It is recommended to consult official sources and seek professional advice for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

Spouse Visa Indefinite Leave To Remain Requirements

Requirements For Indefinite Leave To Remain Spouse

Spouse Visa to Indefinite Leave to Remain Requirements: Navigating the Path to Settled Life in the UK

For spouses of British citizens or individuals with settled status in the UK, navigating the visa process can be a complex journey. However, achieving Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) signifies a significant milestone, granting you the right to live and work in the UK without visa restrictions. This blog post delves into the essential requirements for transitioning from a Spouse visa to ILR, equipping you with the knowledge to approach this vital step with confidence.

Eligibility Criteria: The Cornerstones of Your Application

Before embarking on the ILR application process, it’s crucial to ensure you meet the fundamental eligibility criteria and understand Spouse Visa to Indefinite Leave to Remain Requirements:

  • Genuine and Subsisting Relationship: The core of your application hinges on demonstrating a genuine and subsisting relationship with your spouse. This involves providing comprehensive evidence that your relationship is legitimate, established, and ongoing. This evidence can encompass joint bank statements, shared bills, tenancy agreements, travel documents reflecting joint trips, and even wedding photographs.
  • Financial Requirements: The UK government mandates that you and your spouse meet specific financial requirements to ensure self-sufficiency and prevent placing undue pressure on public funds. These requirements are subject to change; therefore, it’s imperative to consult the latest government guidance for accurate figures. Typically, you’ll need to demonstrate a minimum combined income or savings that meet the stipulated threshold.
  • Suitable Accommodation: You must possess suitable accommodation that adequately houses you and your family. This involves providing evidence of ownership, tenancy agreements, or proof of residing with your spouse in appropriate housing that meets occupancy standards.
  • Residency History: To be eligible for ILR, you must have held continuous leave to remain in the UK for 60 months (five years) under the Spouse visa route. This excludes time spent on other visa categories, such as fiancé(e) visas.
  • English Language and Life in the UK Requirements: You’ll need to demonstrate proficiency in the English language by achieving a minimum score of B1 on the UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) approved Secure English Language Test (SELT). Additionally, passing the Life in the UK test, which assesses your knowledge of British life, values, and customs, is mandatory.

Gathering the Necessary Evidence: Building a Strong Application

Once you’ve confirmed your eligibility, meticulously gather the required evidence to support your application. This typically includes:

  • Valid passport and travel documents
  • Proof of your relationship with your spouse, such as a marriage certificate, civil partnership certificate, or cohabitation documents
  • Evidence of meeting the financial requirements, including payslips, bank statements, tax returns, or sponsorship letters if applicable
  • Proof of suitable accommodation, such as tenancy agreements, mortgage statements, or council tax bills
  • UK immigration history, including previous visa documents and biometric residence permits
  • English language test results and Life in the UK test certificate

Additional Considerations: Streamlining the Process

While navigating the ILR application process, remember these valuable pointers:

  • Seek professional guidance: Consulting with an immigration lawyer or advisor can provide invaluable support in navigating the complexities of the application process and ensuring your application adheres to all regulations.
  • Meet deadlines meticulously: Adhere to the stipulated deadlines for submitting your application and supporting documents to avoid delays or potential application rejections.
  • Maintain accurate and organized records: Keeping organized and comprehensive records of your finances, relationship evidence, and immigration history streamlines the application process and simplifies document retrieval when required.

Embracing the Future: Life After Achieving ILR

Obtaining ILR signifies a significant achievement, granting you the freedom to live, work, and study in the UK without visa restrictions. You’ll no longer be subject to visa renewals or face limitations on your ability to work or travel. This milestone paves the way for a more secure and settled future in the UK, allowing you to fully integrate into British society and pursue your aspirations.

Remember, this blog post serves as a general guide, and it’s essential to refer to the latest UK government guidance for the most up-to-date and accurate information regarding Spouse visa to ILR requirements. With careful planning, meticulous preparation, and potentially seeking professional assistance, you can confidently navigate the path towards achieving Indefinite Leave to Remain and build a fulfilling life in the UK. To know more about Spouse Visa to Indefinite Leave to Remain Requirements please refer to our website.

Can an Immigration Lawyer Speed Up Your Immigration Process?

Can an Immigration Lawyer Speed Up Your Immigration Process?

Can an Immigration Lawyer Speed Up Your Immigration Process?

Immigrating to another country can be a long and complicated process that can take anywhere from months to years. There are many factors that can impact the time it takes to complete the immigration process such as the type of visa, country of origin, and individual circumstances. Many people wonder if hiring an immigration lawyer can help speed up the process. Let’s explore this question further.

An experienced immigration lawyer can help you navigate the complex immigration system and provide guidance on the necessary steps to take. They can also help you prepare and submit the required documents, represent you in court if needed, and communicate with government agencies on your behalf.

One of the main benefits of hiring an immigration lawyer is that they are familiar with the legal system and can help you avoid common mistakes that can lead to delays. Additionally, they can help you gather all the necessary documentation and information needed to complete your application.

However, it is important to note that an immigration lawyer cannot guarantee the speed of your application process. In some cases, the immigration process can be delayed due to factors such as government delays, background checks, and security clearances.

While hiring an immigration lawyer can be beneficial in many ways, it is not a guaranteed way to speed up the immigration process. However, it can help you navigate the complex legal system, avoid common pitfalls, and increase your chances of success. If you are in the process of immigrating to another country and are unsure of where to turn, consider consulting with an experienced immigration lawyer to help guide you through the journey.

Global Talent Visa Lawyers

Global Talent Visa Lawyer

What You Need to Know About Global Talent Visa Lawyers

The global talent visa is a new visa category launched by the UK government in February 2020. It aims to attract highly skilled professionals from various fields across the globe to work and live in the UK, contributing to the growth of the economy and innovation of different sectors. However, applying for a global talent visa is not an easy task. It requires a deep understanding of the UK immigration system and a well-prepared application. This is why a global talent visa lawyer can be your best ally in this process.

What is a Global Talent Visa Lawyer?

A global talent visa lawyer is a qualified legal specialist in UK immigration law who can help you with your global talent visa application. They are highly knowledgeable about the UK visa process, regulations, requirements and can provide legal guidance and advice to help you navigate the complex visa application process. They can handle and guide you through the entire process, from preparing your documents to submitting your application to the UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) department.

Why Hire a Global Talent Visa Lawyer?

Hiring a global talent visa lawyer can have numerous benefits, including:

Expertise and Knowledge

Global talent visa lawyers are experts in UK immigration law and have an in-depth knowledge of the visa application process and requirements. They can provide you with the best legal guidance and advice on how to approach your application, what documents to provide, how to meet the eligibility criteria, and what potential challenges you may face.

Personalised Support

A global talent visa lawyer can give you personalised support and tailor the visa application to your specific situation. They can assess your individual requirements, provide you with clear timelines, and offer cost-effective solutions to help you meet the visa criteria.

A Higher Chance of Approval

A global talent visa lawyer can ensure that your application meets all the necessary criteria and provide the necessary evidence, making it more comprehensive, coherent, and compelling. This increases your chances of success, and the visa approval process is more efficient, with fewer delays.

How to Choose a Global Talent Visa Lawyer?

Choosing the right global talent visa lawyer is essential for a successful visa application. When choosing a lawyer, consider the following:

Qualifications and Experience: Ensure that your lawyer is a qualified legal professional specialised in UK immigration law. They should also have years of experience, especially in processing applications for similar visa categories, and have a track record of success.

Fees: Ensure that the fees offered by your lawyer are transparent, and you are aware of any additional costs that may arise. Do not hesitate to ask for a breakdown of the fees and services offered.

Communication and Availability: Choose a lawyer who is available and responds to your queries promptly. They should also have good communication skills and speak a language that you are comfortable with.


The global talent visa is an excellent opportunity for highly skilled professionals across the globe to work and live in the UK and contribute to various sectors. Applying for this visa, however, can be complex and requires an in-depth understanding of UK immigration law and regulations. By hiring a global talent visa lawyer, you can increase your chances of success, get personalised support, and navigate the visa application process more efficiently. When choosing a lawyer, ensure that they are qualified, have a track record of success, and offer transparent fees and good communication skills. Reach out to a reputed global visa talent lawyer today, and start your journey of a lifetime in the UK.

Is it easy to get a UK Spouse visa

Is it easy to get a UK Spouse visa

Is it easy to get a UK Spouse visa

Is it Easy to Get a UK Spouse Visa?

Moving to a new country with your spouse can be an exciting yet challenging endeavor. Among the various factors to consider, obtaining a visa is often a primary concern for many couples. For those considering a move to the United Kingdom, the process of acquiring a UK spouse visa can appear daunting. However, with careful planning and understanding of the requirements, obtaining a UK spouse visa can be a manageable process.

Understanding the UK Spouse Visa

The UK spouse visa, formally known as the Spouse, Civil Partner, or Unmarried Partner visa, allows non-UK citizens to join their British or settled partners in the United Kingdom. This visa is designed to facilitate the reunification of families and provide opportunities for spouses to live and work in the UK.

Requirements for a UK Spouse Visa

To obtain a UK spouse visa, applicants must meet specific requirements set by the UK Home Office. The main criteria include:

  1. Relationship Requirement: The applicant must be in a genuine and subsisting relationship with their British or settled partner, either as a spouse, civil partner, or unmarried partner. Satisfactory evidence, such as marriage certificates or joint financial responsibilities, must be provided.
  2. Financial Requirement: The couple needs to demonstrate that they can adequately support themselves without relying on public funds. The sponsoring partner must meet a minimum income threshold, which varies based on unique circumstances. Other acceptable forms of income sources, such as savings or financial support from family members, can also be considered.
  3. Accommodation Requirement: The couple must provide evidence of suitable accommodation in the UK, demonstrating that they will have a place to live without compromising their health and safety.
  4. English Language Requirement: Proficiency in the English language is mandatory for most applicants. This can be proved through taking an approved English language test or by holding a degree taught in English.
  5. Health and Character Requirement: The applicant must also meet health and character requirements, which involve providing relevant documents, such as medical records and a criminal record certificate.

The Application Process

The application process for a UK spouse visa involves submitting an online application, paying the required fees, attending a biometric appointment, and providing the necessary supporting documents. It is crucial to ensure that all documents are accurately prepared and meet the specified criteria to avoid delays or rejections. Seeking advice from an immigration expert or solicitor can be helpful in navigating the application process.

The Reality: Easy or Challenging?

While the requirements for a UK spouse visa may seem complex, the process can be relatively straightforward if approached systematically. Adequate preparation, thorough understanding of the requirements, and attention to detail are key to a successful application. Additionally, seeking guidance from professionals who specialize in immigration law can significantly ease the process and provide peace of mind.

It is worth noting that each application is assessed on an individual basis, and the outcome may vary depending on personal circumstances. It is recommended to start the application process well in advance of the intended move to allow ample time for gathering necessary documentation and addressing any potential challenges.

Final Thoughts

Obtaining a UK spouse visa may not be without its challenges, but with proper planning and a clear understanding of the requirements, it is a manageable process. By demonstrating a genuine relationship, meeting the financial and accommodation prerequisites, fulfilling the English language proficiency requirement, and meeting the health and character standards, couples can increase their chances of a successful visa application.

Remember, seeking guidance and advice from immigration experts can be immensely helpful throughout the process. With a well-prepared application and the right support, couples can navigate the UK spouse visa process and embark on a new chapter of their lives in the United Kingdom.

Can a doctor be a referee for British citizenship.

Can a doctor be a referee for British citizenship

Can a doctor be a referee for British citizenship

When it comes to applying for British citizenship, one of the requirements is to provide a reference from a professional who can vouch for your character. Many applicants wonder if a doctor can serve as a referee for this purpose. In this blog post, we will discuss whether a doctor can be a suitable referee for British citizenship and explore alternative options available.

The Role of a Referee in British Citizenship Applications

As part of the British citizenship application process, applicants are required to provide two referees who can attest to their character. These referees should be upstanding members of society who have known the applicant well and can vouch for their credibility. The Home Office looks for professionals who have known the applicant personally for a specified period and can provide an accurate assessment of their character and conduct.

Can a Doctor Be a Referee?

While there is no hard and fast rule against a doctor serving as a referee, it is generally not recommended due to potential conflicts of interest. Doctors may have a limited personal relationship with their patients and may not be able to provide a comprehensive character reference. Additionally, their testimonial may be seen as less impartial due to their professional obligations to maintain patient confidentiality.

Alternative Referee Options

Teacher or Professor: If you are a student or have recently been a student, a reference from a teacher or professor can be a suitable alternative. They can provide insights into your character, work ethic, and dedication.

Employer or Colleague: A reference from your employer or a colleague who has directly worked with you can offer valuable insights into your professional conduct, teamwork skills, and overall character.

Religious or Community Leader: If you are an active member of a religious or community organization, a reference from a respected leader within the community can reinforce your commitment, integrity, and positive character traits.

The Importance of a Strong Referee

Regardless of the profession of your chosen referee, it is essential to select individuals who can provide a reliable and objective assessment of your character. The Home Office places significant weight on these references in evaluating your application for British citizenship. It is crucial to choose referees who can provide specific examples and demonstrate a thorough understanding of your personal attributes.


While a doctor can technically serve as a referee for your British citizenship application, it is advisable to choose a referee who can provide a more comprehensive and unbiased character assessment. Opting for professionals like teachers, employers, or community leaders who have a deeper understanding of your personal qualities and interactions may enhance the strength of your application.

Remember, the selection of a suitable referee plays a vital role in showcasing your character and suitability as a future British citizen. Taking the time to carefully consider your choice will greatly contribute to a successful application.

Disclaimer: This blog post should not be considered legal advice. For specific guidance on your British citizenship application, it is recommended to consult with an immigration lawyer or refer to official government guidelines.


UK Government – Becoming a citizen: References
Richmond Chambers Immigration Barristers

Global Talent Visa To ILR

Global Talent Visa To ILR

Global Talent Visa To ILR


The United Kingdom has been a hub of talent and creativity, attracting professionals from all around the world. In 2020, the UK replaced the Tier 1 Exceptional Talent Visa with the Global Talent Visa, making it easier for individuals with remarkable skills and expertise to live and work in the country. With the Global Talent Visa, talented individuals now have a clear pathway to obtaining Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) in the UK. In this blog post, we will explore the key features of the UK Global Talent Visa and how it leads to ILR.

What is the UK Global Talent Visa?

The UK Global Talent Visa is a points-based immigration route designed for highly skilled professionals in the fields of science, engineering, humanities, medicine, digital technology, arts, and culture. Through this visa, individuals who can demonstrate exceptional talent or exceptional promise in their respective fields are granted permission to enter and work in the UK.

The Application Process

To be eligible for the UK Global Talent Visa, applicants must first secure an endorsement from a recognized endorsing body in the relevant field. These endorsing bodies include Tech Nation, The Royal Society, The Royal Academy of Engineering, and Arts Council England, among others. The endorsing body will assess each applicant’s achievements, qualifications, and potential contribution to their field.

Once endorsed, applicants can proceed with the visa application. The process involves providing documentation regarding personal details, achievements, and evidence of endorsement. There is no cap on the number of Global Talent Visas that can be issued each year, making it an attractive option for talented individuals seeking to work in the UK.

Benefits of the UK Global Talent Visa

One of the major benefits of the Global Talent Visa is its flexibility. Successful applicants are granted a five-year visa, with the option to extend and work in the UK. Moreover, they enjoy numerous privileges, including the ability to change employers without the need for sponsorship and to travel in and out of the UK freely.

Pathway to ILR

Perhaps the most exciting aspect of the UK Global Talent Visa is its pathway to Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR), also known as permanent residence. Holders of the Global Talent Visa can apply for ILR after living and working in the UK for three years. This pathway has made the UK more attractive for skilled professionals, as it allows them to settle and build a long-term career in the country.


The UK Global Talent Visa has opened doors for highly skilled professionals worldwide, offering them the opportunity to live and work in the UK. With its flexible conditions and a clear pathway to Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR), the Global Talent Visa has become a sought-after immigration route. As talented individuals continue to contribute their expertise to the UK, the Global Talent Visa reinforces the country’s reputation as a global leader in innovation, research, and the arts. If you possess exceptional talents or promise in your field, the UK Global Talent Visa could be your ticket to a thriving career in the UK.

How Long Does UK Spouse Visa Last?

One of the most common questions asked is how long does UK spouse visa last, the duration of a UK spouse visa, also known as a spouse/partner visa, was typically granted for a period of 30 months (2.5 years). After this initial period, you would have been eligible to apply for an extension for another 30 months. Upon completing a total of five years in the UK on a spouse visa, you could have then applied for settlement, also known as Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR). However, please note that immigration policies and regulations may change over time, so it is crucial to consult the official UK government sources or a qualified immigration advisor to get the most up-to-date and accurate information regarding visa durations and requirements. For more information please visit 1 Absolute Advisor

What is the Difference between UK Spouse Visa and Partner Visa 

What is the Difference between UK Spouse Visa and Partner Visa
What is the Difference between UK Spouse Visa and Partner Visa 

The UK offers two different types of visas for couples who wish to live together in the UK: the Spouse Visa and the Partner Visa. The primary difference between these two visas is in their eligibility requirements.

The Spouse Visa is designed for married couples, or couples who are in a civil partnership, who wish to be together in the UK. To be eligible to apply for a Spouse Visa, both partners must be over 18 years old, and the spouses must have been legally married for at least three years. The couple must also prove that they have a genuine relationship and that they intend to live together permanently in the UK. The applicant must also meet the financial requirements, which include an income threshold and the ability to support themselves and any dependents without relying on public funds.

The Partner Visa, on the other hand, is designed for unmarried couples who wish to live together in the UK. To apply for a Partner Visa, both partners must be over 18 years old and must prove that they have been in a committed relationship for at least two years. The couple must also prove that they have a genuine relationship and that they intend to live together permanently in the UK. As with the Spouse Visa, the applicant must meet the financial requirements, including an income threshold and the ability to support themselves and any dependents without relying on public funds.

In addition to the differences in eligibility requirements, the Spouse Visa and Partner Visa also have differences in the application process. The Spouse Visa requires the applicant to apply for a visa before entering the UK, whereas the Partner Visa can be applied for from within the UK. The Spouse Visa also requires a higher fee than the Partner Visa and has a longer processing time.

Overall, the main difference between the Spouse Visa and Partner Visa is in the eligibility requirements. The Spouse Visa is designed for married couples or those in a civil partnership, while the Partner Visa is designed for unmarried couples. Both visas require applicants to meet the financial requirements, but the Spouse Visa has a higher fee and longer processing time.

Now that you know what is the difference between UK Spouse Visa and Partner Visa you can have your application prepared and submitted by a qualified immigration adviser.

India Young Professionals Scheme Visa

India Young Professionals Scheme Visa
India Young Professionals Scheme Visa

Indian residents between the ages of 18 and 30 who meet the requirements for the India Young Professionals Scheme visa are eligible to live and work in the United Kingdom for a period of up to two years.

Before you are eligible to submit an application for this visa, you will first need to determine whether or not you will be accepted into the India Young Professionals Scheme. You are required to declare that you are qualified for the visa in order to enter the ballot; you should verify your eligibility before entering the ballot.

Are you Eligible?

You must meet all of the following requirements to be qualified for a visa through the India Young Professionals Scheme:

  • be an Indian national or citizen between the ages of 18 and 30, and be at least 18 years old on the date that you intend to travel to the United Kingdom.
  • possess a degree equivalent to or higher than a bachelor’s degree at a minimum (Regulated Qualifications Framework level 6, 7 or 8)
  • You should have a minimum of £2,530 in funds in order to maintain yourself in the UK.
  • not be financially responsible for any children under the age of 18 who reside with you or who are under the age of 18 themselves.

Before you can submit an application for a visa, you must first submit an application to participate in the India Young Professionals Scheme ballot and then be chosen to participate.

If you have ever visited the United Kingdom on a visa obtained through either this programme or the Youth Mobility Scheme, you are not eligible to register.

You are required to have either:

  • a degree equivalent to at least that of a British bachelor’s degree (Regulated Qualifications Framework level 6, 7 or 8)
  • an equivalent foreign qualification at degree level or above

If you are unsure of the degree of qualification that you have, you should contact the college or university that you most recently attended.

Funds to maintain your living expenses

In order to prove that you are able to sustain yourself while living in the UK, you are required to have a minimum of £2,530 in your bank account.

You will need to have been in possession of the funds for a continuous period of at least 28 days. Day 28 must occur no more than 31 days after the passport application was submitted.

When you qualify for the position, you will be required to provide evidence of this.

You can get more information about the money you need and how to show it by reading the guidance that’s provided on the financial evidence section or call our advisor to know more.

How to Apply – The Complete Process

  1. Participate in the India Young Professionals Scheme ballot if you are qualified to do so. There might be a queue for you to wait in before you get to open the page for application.
    1. Create a new account for yourself on the login page
    2. Add a friend or family to the account as helper if required
    3. Make sure the account creation and the ballot applicaiton are completed within 25 minutes of you getting on the ballot page. If not, you have to wait in the queue again for initiating the application process
    4. Make sure all the data provided is as per your Passport and not other IDs such as Adhaar Card or Pan card
    5. Use active Email and Phone Number for getting verification OTPs for yourself and your mentioned aid in the form
    6. Confirm submission by checking your Email for the confirmation mail
  2. If your entry in the ballot is selected, you will be extended an offer to submit an application for the Youth Mobility Scheme visa.
  3. Get the necessary paperwork ready to submit with your application.
  4. Submit an application to participate in the India Young Professionals Scheme.

Documents that you will initially need for the ballot application include your Passport and Identity proof.

Once applied for the ballot, you will get the list of requirements given in the below image:

Once done. You will receive an email mentioning your Unique Application Number which you can use to track your application.

How and when to apply?

If you are selected at random, you must submit your passport application by the date specified in your invitation letter. That’s the average amount of time between receiving an offer and attending.

Within six months of filing for a UK visa, you must enter the country.


If you submit on 16 March 2023, you must be in the UK by 15 September 2023.

It’s possible that you’ll need some additional time if you need an appointment for this. Start your application to see if you need one.

What is the Timeline for getting decision on the visa?

Visa decisions are typically made within 3 weeks after an applicant has applied online, given identity proof, and submitted supporting documents.

How much will the Visa application cost?

You’ll have to:

pay the £259 application cost

pay a £940 healthcare fee

hold £2,530 in savings at least since 28 days prior to the application

Important: If your registration is denied, your application fee will not be refunded. Check your eligibility before applying. Contact one of our advisors for further clarification for the visa in case you have obtained affirmative response in the ballot.

How long you may remain?

You will be granted a visa to reside and work in the United Kingdom for up to two years.

You may enter the United Kingdom at any time during the validity of your visa, as well as depart and return at any time during your stay.

If you turn 31 after your visa is granted, you may remain in the United Kingdom for the duration of your visa.

What can and cannot be done on the youth Mobility Scheme Visa?

You can:

  • study – for certain classes, an Academic Technology Approval Scheme certificate is required.
  • work in the majority of occupations
  • be self-employed and establish a business if your premises are leased, your equipment is worth less than £5,000, and you have no employees.

You cannot:

  • prolong your visit
  • Apply for most advantages (public funds)
  • include family members on your application; they must submit their own.
  • perform as a competitive athlete (for example as a coach)

In conclusion, this is an amazing opportunity for young professionals to emigrate and work in the UK and you must make sure to take full advantage of this scheme.

Apply today for the ballot on India Young Professionals Scheme ballot.

If you have got an affirmative response on the ballot, contact us to get started with your Visa application.

What documents do I need to bring my wife to UK?

What documents do I need to bring my wife to UK?
What documents do I need to bring my wife to UK?

What documents do I need to bring my wife to UK?

Congratulations on your marriage! If you are looking to bring your wife to the UK, there are several documents you will need to have in order to ensure a smooth and successful process.

Firstly, you will need to apply for a family visa for your wife. This will require you to fill out an online application form and provide the necessary supporting documents, such as evidence of your relationship and proof that you meet the minimum income requirements. Depending on your circumstances, you may also be asked to provide additional documents, such as a police certificate, medical reports, and a certificate of financial sponsorship.

You will also need to provide proof that you are legally married. This can be in the form of a marriage certificate and/or any other relevant documents, such as a divorce decree or annulment certificate (if applicable).

In addition, you and your wife will both need to provide a valid passport and two passport-sized photographs.

The complete list is as follows:

  • Your valid passport
  • Your spouse’s valid passport
  • Your marriage certificate
  • Evidence of financial support for your spouse
  • Proof of address in the UK
  • Evidence of your English language skills
  • A letter of intent, outlining why you and your spouse are coming to the UK
  • Any other relevant documents, such as a Letter of Employment or Dependency

Once you have all the necessary documents, you can then submit your application and wait for a decision. If approved, your wife can then travel to the UK and begin the process of settling in.

We hope this information was helpful in providing you with an understanding of what documents you will need to bring your wife to the UK. If you want a hassle free way of brining your wife to the UK without having to think about what documents do I need to bring my wife to UK? or how do I go about this why not contact our immigration experts who will do the process for you.

What are your rights as an international student in the UK?

It is critical that international students understand their basic legal rights because it is all too easy to deprive newcomers of their rights or take advantage of their inexperience in a new country. Different countries have different laws, so it’s important to know what legal rights international students have and what legal protections they have when they move to a new country.

Culturally, the UK is diverse and welcoming of people from all around the world. All unis have plenty of international students, and most have societies to help you meet like-minded people and those from similar backgrounds.

The international students must know some of their legal rights during their stay in the UK.

Hours you are allowed to work while studying: Students who arrive in the UK for study purposes might think about gaining some work experience or supporting themselves financially by working while studying.International students in the UK can work for a limited time while studying. Non-European students are permitted to work up to 20 hours per week. On the other hand, they can work 40 hours per week during their vacation period. To cover their living expenses, students can look for part-time jobs in various restaurants, bars, and shopping malls. Students can also look for on-campus jobs. Besides that, students must be aware of their legal rights in the workplace.

Minimum Wage and Taxation: According to the National Minimum Wage Act in the United Kingdom, employers must pay employees who are 16 or older the legal minimum wage. In 2015, the UK government declared that workers aged 21 and up would be paid £6.50 per hour, while employees aged 18 to 20 would be paid £5.13 per hour.

National Insurance Number:

In order to work in the UK, international students must also have a National Insurance Number. Once they begin earning a living, they must also pay income tax. To obtain a National Insurance Number, international students must contact Job center Plus. The Job center Plus may invite you to a face-to-face interview, or they may send you an application via mail or courier, which you must complete and return. You must prepare yourself for an interview in order to obtain your National Insurance Number. You will have to provide the following information:

  •  Your residence in the UK (with postcode)
  •  Your contact number (landline/ cell phone)
  •  Your visa expiry date
  •  Place where the visa was issued (country or city name)
  • Reasons for applying for the National Insurance Number

Verify your health insurance coverage: International students need to prove they have health insurance to cover any healthcare they need while in the UK. The United Kingdom, like the other European countries, provides health insurance to international students. This insurance covers hospitalisation and secondary primary care for students. Overseas Students Health Care is available to international students. It will cover their medical and hospital expenses while they are in the UK.

Rights relating to Accommodation: Landlords and tenants are both protected by law in the UK. Both landlords and tenants are subject to the law’s requirements. These laws concerning leases, maintenance, and repair are available to international students. The students have two lodging options: on-campus housing or co-renting an apartment with peers. In both cases, the rule will be the same.

Set up a student bank account

If you want to stay in the UK for more than a few months, we recommend opening a bank account. This makes paying bills and keeping your money safe easier. It also saves you from paying foreign currency fees if you use a non-UK bank account to pay for things in the UK.

Leaving legal advice and rights aside, it is critical for an international student to master a few skills that will come in handy when you are faced with consequences in a new country. In order to seek assistance whenever needed, it is advised that you know how to get in touch with the appropriate embassy of your country.

While international students are granted a slew of privileges designed to defend their honour and integrity, they are also obliged to uphold certain legal duties based on moral principles. It is critical that international students stay truthful in their statements to institutions and government bodies abroad, as well as follow the honour systems of the host institutions in which they have enrolled. If a student presents false representations of their achievements or academics, these will be grounds for expulsion from the respective university.

When applying for a visa, it’s crucial to work with a licensed visa consultant who can provide you with this information and prepare you for the process ahead of time. 1Absolute Advisor provides pre-departure orientation and post-landing assistance to enable a smooth transition for students studying abroad.

How to Prepare for the Spouse Visa Interview

What is a Spouse Visa?

Also known as a UK marriage visa, a spouse visa allows married partners of UK citizens to immigrate to the UK because they are married to someone who is ‘settled in the UK’ – i.e. a person who is ordinarily resident in the UK and has no immigration restrictions on how long they can stay in the UK.

Chances are, going through the process of applying for a UK Spouse Visa doesn’t sound too appealing. We’ll be talking about the steps you need to take to make it a little easier.

You can contact our immigration attorneys for help with your UK Partner Visa application and find out how you and your UK citizen partner can enter the country and apply for indefinite leave to remain.

The Basics of the Spouse Visa Process in Detail

If you intend to move to the UK, you should apply for a Spouse visa in advance, and you shouldn’t book any flights or travel arrangements until you hear back from the Home Office.

Foreign spouses can initiate the application process for a UK Spouse visa (Appendix FM and other forms) online. However, you may be required to submit biometrics in person at a visa application centre. To improve your chances of obtaining a UK Spouse or Partner visa, it is important to note that there are multiple forms and documents that must be correctly filled out with sufficient evidence.

If you are applying from within the UK, you will need to show proof that you are in the country on an eligible visa in order to switch to the UK spouse visa.

If the Home Office has any concerns about your application after reviewing it, you may be asked to attend a Spouse visa interview. You will be asked questions during the interview to determine the genuineness of your relationship and intent in the UK.

An interview is not required as part of the Spouse Visa application process; however, its significance cannot be overstated if you are asked to attend one, whether as an applicant or a sponsor.

How to prepare for the Spouse Visa Interview?

You must be able to persuade the ECO that your relationship is genuine, ongoing, and not fabricated only for immigration purposes. The interview would not take place if the officials had no worries about the authenticity of your relationship or questions that needed to be answered.

However, in an atmosphere where you are aware that the quality of your responses will be judged, anxiety can get the best of you, causing you to freeze up and appear to be unsure of the answers to some of the questions being asked. Facts and genuineness of sentiment can also be lost in translation if English is not your first language or you are presenting your responses through an interpreter.

Some of the questions you may be asked in a spouse visa interview include:

●        Is this your first time applying for a UK visa?

●        Have you ever sought a visa to another country?

●        Have you ever had a visa denied?

●        When and how did you meet your husband/wife for the first time?

●        Did he/she write or call you? How did you contact him/her?

●        When did your spouse propose to you?

●        What religion does your husband/wife practice?

●        What are your husband’s/interests, wife’s or activities in his/her leisure time?

●        What do the two of you have in common?

Make sure you send the correct supporting documents and that both of you know what they are. In case of any discrepancies between the answers given during the marriage visa interview and supporting documentation submitted as part of the initial application, the ECO has the authority to refuse the applicant straight away. Therefore, you must make sure that the story of your relationship and the documents to prove the genuineness of your marriage match-up.

The last point is the one that most people worry about the most when collating their documentation for a UK Spouse Visa. It is also the area where you and your spouse need to be most consistent in your story during the spouse visa interview.  Examples of what you can send include:

●        photographs of you and your spouse together

●        selective excerpts of Skype logs

●        a selection of emails to and from your spouse

●        a letter of introduction from your family and friends who have known you as a couple

●        wedding photographs, invitations etc.

If you’ve been requested to attend a spouse visa interview, the UKVI likely did not find your application straightforward. As you can see, you’ll need to gather a lot of paperwork and have responses prepared for a variety of questions posed throughout the interview process. By hiring an expert immigration solicitor to assist you and your spouse in preparing for the interview, you will be able to pass with flying colours and begin your life together in the UK.

What are the Documents Required for a Spouse Visa Application? Having all of the necessary documents to support your UK Spouse Visa application will help to ensure its success and avoid delays. Please keep in mind that any documents that are not in English must be accompanied by a professionally translated version. All evidence must be submitted in the format specified by the Home Office.

The following documents must be submitted to the Home Office in order for you to be granted the right to remain in the UK:

1.       Your original certificate of marriage or civil partnership

2.       Evidence that you and your partner have been living together for at least two years.

3.       A valid passport is required to obtain leave to remain in the UK.

4.       A valid certificate that meets the English language requirement

5.       Accommodation documentation

6.       Evidence that the relationship is genuine

7.       Proof that you meet the income and financial requirements

8.       You must provide proof that you are married to a British citizen or settled person (for example, UK citizens can submit a copy of their passport)

The 5 Types of Leave to Remain for UK

The 5 types of indefinite leave to remain status are:

Indefinite Leave to Remain – This is the most common type of indefinite leave to remain. It is for people who have been in the country for 5 years or more and have not broken any immigration laws. The applicant must show that they are not a threat to national security or public order, and that their life or freedom would be threatened in their home country.

Leave to Remain as a Victim of Domestic Violence – This is for people who have been living in the UK for 3 years or more and have been subject to domestic violence, sexual violence, female genital mutilation (FGM), honour-based violence, neglect or exploitation. The applicant must show that they need protection from their partner because they fear serious harm if they return home.

Leave to Remain as a Person with Limited Leave – This is when an applicant has applied for leave under another category but has been refused it due to some reason. For example, , someone may have applied for leave to remain as an employee, but was refused because they did not show enough evidence of their employment.

Leave to Remain as a Student – This is for people who have lived in the UK for 5 years or more, and have been studying for the duration. They must be enrolled in an educational institution and ready to continue their studies after leaving Immigration If you have lived in the UK for 5 years or more, and have been studying for the duration, you may be eligible to apply for Leave to Remain as a Student. You must be enrolled in an educational institution and ready to study within 6 months.

Leave to Remain as a Child or Parent – This is for parents who have lived in the UK for 5 years or more, and have been looking after a child under 18, or are a child under 18, this can be applied.

Who Qualifies for UK Indefinite Leave to Remain?

In this section, we will go through the eligibility requirements for Indefinite Leave to Remain in the UK.

There are a few conditions that one must fulfil before they can qualify for UK ILR. The main requirement is that one must be residing in the UK with valid permission or visa. One must have been continuously living in the UK without any significant breaks since they became eligible to apply, and they should not have any significant criminal convictions or cautions on their record. .

1. Living in the UK with valid permission or visa.

2. No significant breaks in their stay over the last ten years, and no significant criminal convictions or cautions on their record.

3. Must be 18 years of age and above to qualify for ILR application.

4. Must not possess any valid documents that would show they have the right to remain permanently in the UK or any other country.

How Long does UK Indefinite Leave To Remain Last?

There is no time limit on Indefinite Leave to Remain in the UK, however it is important to note that you should not spend periods of more than two years outside the UK as this may lead to the loss of ILR.

Complete Guide to IELTS UK for Visa

The UK Home Office’s list of Secure English Language Tests (also known as SELT tests) specifies the English language qualification(s) required for each category of visa application to the UK. 

This list includes IELTS and IELTS Life Skills.

Student Visa Tier 4:

The institution’s English language requirement must be met by applicants for a Tier 4 Student Visa who wish to pursue a bachelor’s or postgraduate degree at a Tier 4 Sponsor university. IELTS scores are accepted by all British colleges and universities. Unless the institution has additional requirements, applicants for Tier 4 Student Visas may apply to the UK universities listed here with an IELTS score from any of the more than 1,600 IELTS test centers worldwide.

UKVI requirements for healthcare professionals have changed:

The requirements for language testing for healthcare professionals who need visas to live and work in the UK have been modified by the UK government. Please get advice from the relevant professional body if you need to take a language test to work as a doctor, dentist, nurse, or midwife in the UK.

Visa descriptionMinimum CEFR
level required
SkillsIELTS test and minimum score
required overall and in each skill1

Tier 1 (General) visaC1Reading, Writing, Speaking and ListeningIELTS for UKVI – 7.0 overall, and in each of the four skills 
Tier 1 (Exceptional Talent) visaB1Reading, Writing Speaking and ListeningIELTS for UKVI – 4.0 overall, and in each of the four skills
Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) visaB1 Reading, Writing Speaking and ListeningIELTS for UKVI – 4.0 overall, and in each of the four skills
Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur) visaB1Reading, Writing Speaking and ListeningIELTS for UKVI – 4.0 overall, and in each of the four skills
Tier 2 (General) visa – in most casesB1Reading, Writing Speaking and ListeningIELTS for UKVI – 4.0 overall, and in each of the four skills
Tier 2 (Sportsperson) visaA1Reading, Writing Speaking and ListeningIELTS Life Skills at A1 – Pass
IELTS for UKVI2 4.0 overall, and in each of the four skills
Tier 2 (Minister of Religion) visaB2Reading, Writing Speaking and ListeningIELTS for UKVI – 5.5 overall, and in each of the four skills
Tier 4 (General) student visa – below degree level and pre-sessional coursesB1Reading, Writing Speaking and ListeningIELTS for UKVI – 4.0 overall, and in each of the four skills
Tier 4 (General) student visa – degree level and aboveB2Reading, Writing Speaking and ListeningIELTS/IELTS for UKVI5.5overall, and in each of the four skills
Family route
• Spouse/partner
• Parent of a dependant
A1Speaking and ListeningIELTS Life Skills at A1 – Pass
IELTS for UKVI– 4.0 in Speaking and Listening
Family route (extension)
• Spouse/partner
• Parent of a dependant
A2Speaking and ListeningIELTS Life Skills at A2 – Pass
IELTS for UKVI– 4.0 in Speaking and Listening
Indefinite leave to remain (to settle) or citizenshipB1Speaking and ListeningIELTS Life Skills at B1 – Pass
IELTS for UKVI– 4.0 in Speaking and Listening


  1. Academic and general training versions are both acceptable. Each skill’s CEFR requirement must be met.
  2. Where the IELTS Life Skills Test is required, IELTS for UKVI can be used. Speaking and listening scores of 4.0 or higher are required (scores for reading and writing will be ignored).
  3. When a Secure English Language Test (SELT) is not required, universities on UKVI’s Tier 4 sponsor list decide which exams to accept. Students should ensure that the institution to which they are applying is included on this list and that there are no additional requirements.

How to Get a Spouse Visa in the UK as a Non-EU National

A spouse visa, which is also known as a UK marriage visa, enables married partners of UK citizens to immigrate to the United Kingdom because they are married to someone who is ‘settled in the UK.’ This refers to a person who is ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom and does not have any immigration restrictions on how long they can stay in the United Kingdom.

After the visa has been approved, you will be able to pursue either employment or education in the United Kingdom.

To be eligible for a spouse or marriage visa for the United Kingdom, you will need to satisfy all of the following requirements:

• Both you and your partner must be at least 18 years old to proceed.
• Because of the prevalence of arranged marriages, the two of you are required to have already met and to be legally married.
• You need to have the intention of staying together forever.
• You are not allowed to receive financial assistance from the government unless you have sufficient funds to support yourself and any dependents.
• To be able to sponsor you, your sponsoring partner’s annual income needs to be greater than £18,600, or they need to have sufficient savings.
• If they are also sponsoring children who are financially dependent on them, there is a higher minimum financial requirement.
• You must have suitable accommodation for you, your spouse and any dependents.
• You are required to demonstrate sufficient proficiency in the English language.

How long does a spouse visa last?

When a petition for a spouse visa is submitted from outside the country, the visa will initially be valid for 33 months.

When an application for a spouse visa is made from within the United Kingdom, the visa is valid for a period of thirty months.

Can I extend my spouse visa?

You have the option to apply for an extension that will allow you to stay in the UK for an additional 30 months, bringing the total amount of time you can spend there on this visa to a maximum of five years.

You are now eligible to submit an application for Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR), provided that you are still married, continue to reside in the United Kingdom with your spouse, and continue to fulfill the requirements for maintenance.

If you have been granted ILR, you may be able to submit an application to become a naturalized citizen of the United Kingdom.

Spouse visa entry clearance

Before you travel to the United Kingdom, you are required to apply for entry clearance if you intend to enter the country on the basis of your relationship with a citizen of the United Kingdom.

If you are applying from within the United Kingdom, you are required to have permission to remain in the country in the form of a visa that is valid for at least six months at the time you submit your application.

If you are already in the United Kingdom and your initial admission was for a period of less than six months — for instance, if you were initially admitted entry as a visitor or prospective student — you will not be able to switch to a visa that allows you to marry in the United Kingdom.

The Quick Guide to UK Skilled Worker Visa | How To Get One

Introduction: What is a UK Skilled Worker Visa and Who Can Apply?

The UK Skilled Worker Visa is a visa that allows people to come to the UK and work in skilled occupations. It is also known as Tier 2 visas. They are available to both skilled workers who are already living in the UK, and skilled workers who are outside of the country.

How to Apply for a UK Skilled Worker Visa

The UK skilled worker visa is a two-step process. The first step involves the applicant applying for a points based system which will determine their eligibility for the visa.

The second step involves the applicant applying for an actual visa to enter and reside in the UK.

The Application Process

1) Apply for Points-Based System Visa

2) Apply for Entry Visa

3) Enter and Reside in the UK

4) Extend Your Stay in the UK

Different Types of UK Skilled Worker

Visas and their Requirements

The UK is a popular destination for skilled workers. It has a variety of visa options for different types of skilled workers.

Tier 1 visas are available to those who want to come and live in the UK permanently. Tier 2 visas are available to those who want to work in the UK temporarily, usually for up to 5 years. There are two types of Tier 2 visas: Tier 2 General and Tier 2 Intra-company Graduate Trainee Visa.

Tier 2 General: This visa is open to all skilled workers from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland that meet the criteria set out by the Home Office.

Tier 2 Intra-company Graduate Trainee Visa: This visa is open only to graduates from outside the EEA or Switzerland who have been offered a graduate trainee programme with a licensed sponsor company in the UK, and has been endorsed by their university as an eligible course of study

How Long Does it Take To Get A UK Skilled Worker Visa?

A skilled worker visa is a type of work visa that allows people to live and work in the UK. In order to get a skilled worker visa, you will need to meet certain requirements and prove that you have the skills and experience needed for a particular job.

There are many different types of skilled worker visas, including Tier 2 visas for highly-skilled workers and Tier 5 visas for temporary workers.

The time it takes to process your application depends on the type of visa you apply for.

Tier 1 visas can take up to 12 months, while Tier 2 visas can take up about three months.

How Is Indefinite Leave to Remain Different from Permanent Residence?

Indefinite leave to remain is a form of immigration status, which allows the person to stay in the UK indefinitely. It is also known as ILR, and it is different from permanent residence.

The main difference between ILR and permanent residence is that ILR gives permission to stay in the UK while permanent residence provides more rights. Permanent residents are entitled to live, work or study in any country within the European Union (EU) or European Economic Area (EEA). They can also apply for British citizenship after five years of living in the UK with permanent residency.

However, people with indefinite leave to remain can only live and work in the UK. Moreover, they must renew their ILR every five years.

The Indefinite Leave to Remain is a document that grants a person the right to live and work in the UK indefinitely.

The ILR is granted by the Home Office, which will issue it if you have been living in the UK for five years and you have not broken any of the conditions of your visa or immigration status. The ILR can be issued at any time after your five years are up, but it must be issued before you reach ten years of living in the UK.

What are the Benefits of Indefinite Leave to Remain?

The benefits of indefinite leave to remain are that the person is able to live and work in the UK without any restrictions. They can also be eligible for public funds and services, such as housing or education.

Indefinite Leave to Remain is a status that gives an individual permission to stay in the UK indefinitely. It is usually granted after five years of continuous residence in the country.

Conclusion: The Lowdown on ILR Vs Permanent Residence

Indefinite Leave To Remain ( also called ILTR) is a UK immigration status that allows non-EEA nationals to live and work in the UK. ILTR can be granted if the applicant has been living in the UK for 5 years on ILTR, has been granted a ‘Certificate of Eligibility’, and has not spent more than 180 days outside of the UK in any one year.

Permanent Residence (PR) is a UK immigration status that allows non-EEA nationals to live and work in the UK indefinitely. PR can be granted if the applicant has been living in the UK for 5 years on PR, has been granted a ‘Certificate of Eligibility’, and has not spent more than 180 days outside of the UK in any one year.

The main difference between ILTR and PR is that ILTR only grants permission to stay for five years whereas PR grants indefinite permission to stay.

Global Talent Visa Consultant

Global Talent Visa UK Consultant

Global Talent Visa Consultant

The UK Global Talent Visa remains one of the most complicated and difficult visa routes across the
UK’s infamously arduous immigration rules. Although an exciting option in its bid to attract the best and brightest from diverse fields like research, academia, fashion, architecture, film and TV, arts and culture, digital technology, science, medicine and engineering, applicants must showcase their talents in order to be awarded the visa.

The good news with the Global Talent Visa is that it comes with many advantages. Benefits include a
fast-track ticket to permanent settlement in the UK, the ability to easily bring dependents and scope
to work in numerous jobs – or none at all – as part and parcel of the route being ‘unsponsored’.
However, the difficulty lies with the fact that applicants need either an endorsement from a
registered body in the UK, or an award from a very specific list.

In this blog post, (Global Talent Visa Consultant) we’ll be exploring your options for a Global Talent Visa – and how you might need a consultant to maximise your chances of success.

What is the Global Talent Visa?

The Global Talent Visa replaced the Tier 1 Exceptional Talent Visa in early 2020 as the Government
wanted to attract the world’s ‘best and brightest’ and felt the Exceptional Talent route was
incredibly restrictive in achieving this aim. Indeed, unlike the Exceptional Talent route, the Global Talent Visa is uncapped and encourages as many people as possible to come to the UK to boost the country’s economy and talent pool.

Yet many of the key elements of the Exceptional Talent route remain in the Global Talent Visa.
Namely that applicants must prove that they are either a ‘recognised leader’ (exceptional talent) in
their chosen field, or an ‘emerging leader’ (exceptional promise).

To prove their status as a leader or emerging leader, the applicant needs to be endorsed by a leading
body in the UK and/or have won an internationally recognised award.

How to receive endorsement

The application process is divided into two stages: the endorsement stage and the visa application

Your immigration consultant will advise you to seek endorsement first. You may wish to apply for
the visa at the same time, but any complications that arise with your endorsement – or delays –
could jeopardise the outcome of your visa application.

To seek an endorsement, you have to apply to one of the following endorsing bodies:
 The Royal Society (science and medicine)
 The Royal Academy of Engineering
 The British Academy (humanities)
 Tech Nation (digital technology)
 Arts Council England (arts and culture as well as fashion, architecture, film and television)

 UK Research and Innovation (for research)

Each endorsing body will have its own application rules that is catered to your chosen field.
However, you will need to prove to the body that you have either exceptional talent or exceptional
promise by submitting a portfolio of evidence. Essentially, you must show that you can meet the talent threshold in order to be endorsed.

What other options are there aside from endorsement?

You can benefit from bypassing the endorsement rules if you are fortunate enough to have won an
award. Some prestigious prize-winning individuals only need to prove their award status to satisfy the
endorsement aspect. However, you must have won a relatively high award, like a Brit award, to do so.
Have a look at our blog on Global Talent Visa benefits which details more specifically the kind of
awards you would be expected to hold to be eligible to bypass the endorsement stage.

Global Talent Visa UK consultant

Because this route is complex and lengthy to participate in, it’s highly recommended that aspiring
applicants seek a consultant to assist with the paperwork.

A consultant can guide you every step of the way, giving expert advice and even helping you to meet
the high standards and expectations of the application process.

Our immigration consultants can also help you to check your eligibility and compile a portfolio of
supporting evidence in your endorsement application. We can vouch on your behalf and help you to
maximise your chances of success and mitigate against a visa refusal.

Don’t forget, after receiving an endorsement you will also then need to apply for the visa itself – and
it is no guarantee that just because you have been endorsed that your visa will be approved, too.

That’s why our corporate lawyers here at 1 Absolute Advisor are OISC-certified and trained to help
with complex visa and application routes such as the Global Talent Visa. We can help you with both
the endorsement stage and the visa application, offering advice, guidance and an expert pair of eyes
to ensure you don’t miss anything crucial in the application process.

If you need expert immigration advice with your Global Talent Visa UK application, contact our
professional team of immigration lawyers today on 0207 993 6762. We can offer advice no matter
where you are in the world, whether in person, over the phone or via video call.

Global Talent Visa Benefit

Global Talent Visa Benefit

The Global Talent Visa is a specific migration route for exceptionally talented individuals in specific
fields. This includes academia or research, arts and culture or digital technology.

The route was designed to replace the Tier 1 Exceptional Talent Visa in February 2020 in a bid to
continue attracting the ‘best and brightest’ candidates from across the world and liberate some
aspects of the application process.

Still, applicants are required to have won an eligible reward OR have received endorsement from
one of six registered bodies by the UK Government and the application process can be considered
one of the most difficult processes to endure.

However, recipients of the Global Talent Visa can reap multiple benefits that many other visa
applicants are unable to gain.

In this blog on Global Talent Visa Benefit we’ll explore each benefit of the visa – and give advice as to how you can apply.

Unsponsored freedom
A major pulling factor for the Global Talent Visa is that it is an unsponsored immigration route. By
contrast, most other visas require a sponsor, whether that is your married partner for a Spouse Visa
or your employer for a Work Visa.

What this means is that successful applicants of the Global Talent route can exercise complete
freedom over where they work. Like British citizens, applicants can change roles, employers, seek
self-employment, set up a company and/or earn money through property or other assets without
needing to inform the Home Office.

Five years allowance and fast track to settlement

Many UK visas are capped for three years. After which, applicants are required to either extend,
renew or seek an alternative visa in order to remain in the country.
However, Global Talent Visa holders are offered a generous five years to live and work in the

After accumulating five years of residency, visa applicants can then switch onto the permanent
immigration status, Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR). After 12 months of ILR, you can then seek full
British Citizenship.

Yet for Global Talent Visa holders, you can switch onto ILR status after just three years.

Flexible visa length

If you don’t want to remain in the UK for five years, you can instead alter the visa length to suit you.
This works both ways: you can renew the Global Talent Visa multiple times, or reduce the amount of
time you want to remain in the UK.

Absences from the UK waived

Most other visa applicants are required to meet ‘continuous residency’ criteria when they come to
apply for ILR status. This means that they cannot spend huge chunks of time outside of the UK, and
must abide by absence rules in order to be eligible. For instance, some visa applicants are limited to spend no more than 180 days outside of the UK in a 12-month period.

However, Global Talent Visa applicants do not need to worry about their absences from the UK.
Since it is assumed Global Talent holders will be conducting field work and that travel may be a
necessary part of the job, the Home Office waives this requirement.

In fact, any time spent outside of the UK while doing research can actually be counted towards your

Bring dependents with you. This is one of the main Global Talent Visa Benefit

In addition, Global Talent Visa holders are able to bring their loved ones with them to the UK.
However, this is restricted to immediate family members, such as your partner and children, and you
will still need to pay the visa fee of £608 per each dependent.

Lower visa fees

The admin fees for a Global Talent Visa are also much cheaper than the average UK visa.
For instance, while some Work Visa applicants can expend to spend within the region of £1,220 to
£1,408, the Global Talent Visa costs only £608. However, you will still need to pay the Immigration Health Surcharge which costs £624 per year, per person.

Demonstrate leadership on a global scale

If you’re already an established academic or researcher, the Global Talent Visa is one way to stamp
your mark on the world while in the UK. It allows you to travel in and out of the country as needed for research and work purposes.

How to apply for a Global Talent Visa

The first thing you need to do when seeking a Global Talent Visa is to weigh up if you’re legitimately

As mentioned, this route comes with numerous benefits, but has a notorious reputation of being
difficult to achieve.

That’s because you need to have either:

  • Won an eligible award
  • Successfully received an endorsement that proves you are a leader/potential leader in your
    Only once you have an award or endorsement are you able to apply for the visa itself.

How to seek an endorsement

In order to prove that you are a leader or up-and-coming leader in your field of work, you need to
receive an endorsement from an eligible body to support your claim.
For academia and research, you must have a background in either science, medicine, engineering or
humanities and have either:

  • An eligible job offer as an academic or researcher
  • An individual fellowship
  • A research grant approved by UK Research and Innovation
  • An eligible award
  • Your application peer reviewed
    It can take anywhere between 2 to 5 weeks to receive a decision on your endorsement, depending
    on whether your application needs to be peer reviewed.
    For arts and culture, you must be a leader or potential leader in either combined arts, dance,
    literature, music, theatre or visual arts. The endorsement falls on the shoulders of Arts Council
    England to decide, but you must have worked regularly in your field for at least five years and be
    producing or performing work that Arts Council England deems ‘outstanding’.
    Likewise for architecture, you must receive endorsement from the Royal Institute of British
    Architects (RIBA) which acts on behalf of Arts Council England. In addition to being deemed
    ‘outstanding’, you will also need to prove that your work is well known in at least two countries.
    For fashion design, the same as the above criteria applies, but your endorsement will come from
    The British Fashion Council. Your work must have been sold or exhibited internationally and your
    portfolio must be recognised by leading figures within the fashion sector.
    And finally, for film and television, you must have demonstrable work experience in film,
    television, animation, post production or visual effects. Your endorsement will come from The
    Producers’ Alliance for Cinema and Television (PACT) and you must provide 3 letters of
    recommendations, up to 10 pieces of evidence that showcase your talent and skills and evidence of industry recognition such as an award.

What is an eligible award for the Global Talent Visa?

There is a long list of eligible awards available under each category, which can be viewed on the
Government’s guidance page.

However, to name just a few, you could have won an award in:

  • Architecture (such as the Pritzker Price or Royal Gold Medal)
  • Arts and culture (such as the Brit Awards, Hugo Boss Prize, International Booker Prize,
    International Dublin Literary Award, any Olivier Award, Queen Elisabeth Competition first
    prizes and Tony Award, among many others)
  • Digital technology (such as the ACM Prize in Computing or the Turing Award)
  • Fashion design (such as the Fashion Award – Accessories Designer, or Designer of the Year)
  • Film and television (such as the Academy Awards, BAFTA, Golden Globes or Grammy Award)
  • Science, engineering, humanities and medicine (such as the Albert Lasker Basic Medical
    Research Award, Balzan Prize, Blue Planet Prize, Centenary Prize, Davis Medal, Faraday
    Medal, Fields Medal, International Award/Medial, Isaac Newton Medal and Award, L’Oreal-
    UNESCO Award for Women in Science, Nine Dots Prize, Nobel Prize in Chemistry, Economic
    Science, Literature, Physics or Medicine, and many more)
    If you possess a prize or medal from the Government’s list, you can also bypass the endorsement
    aspect and go directly to apply for the visa.

How can your immigration lawyers help?

Since the Global Talent Visa is such a laborious, lengthy and difficult visa to apply for, it is highly
recommended that you seek immigration advice from a licensed professional.

You don’t want to run the risk of making any errors or mistakes in your application as this could
jeopardise your chances of success. And there is lots of room for error in this process as you will
need endorsement. You will also need to provide specific documentation that is unique to you and
your circumstances.

Fortunately, our corporate immigration lawyers are on hand to help you with every step of the
application. All of our solicitors are OISC-certified and trained, meaning you can rest assured that
your application is in the best qualified hands possible.

If you found this post on Global Talent Visa Benefit helpful and you need assistance with the Global Talent Visa application, call our immigration lawyers today on 0207 993 6762.

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